By Jeanne Whipple, Team Leader
Naming and defining the different sections of the 19125 zip code is a controversial thing to do the names, lines, and boundaries have shifted over time. While some people may refer to everything in 19125 Fishtown, others create nicknames for pockets within 19125. Whether you are picking your own names and boundaries or going by what lifelong residents have used, the purpose of both is to give location reference to the many sections of Kensignton.
As a 20+ year resident of 19125, a real estate agent, a builder, neighbor, and forever Fishtonian, I go with the boundaries described by the neighborhood associations. Front St. “just To Richmond/Columbus Blvd/Aramingo, Girard to York circumnavigate Fishtown Proper and the Fishtown Neighbors Association. Dauphin, Front, Lehigh, to Trenton is East Kensington, governed by the East Kensington Neighbors Association. Trenton, York, Lehigh, and Aramingo are run by the Old Richmond Civic Association, OCRA. More recently, people have created two distinct areas of the OCRA. One being north of York and East of Aramingo. You may have friends who grew up here call this area Cione or St. Anne’s, depending on their generation. More recently, it is referred to as “NOYO” (short for North of York.) Then there is the triangle-shaped piece of 19125 from Lehigh Ave, to York, pinched off by Richmond Street on the east and Aramingo Ave on the West. Newer residents refer to this uniquely charming section as the Flat Iron, as seen on The Next Door App .
Again, nobody must adopt or use this information for anything. It’s just a popular and friendly guideline for conversational purposes if you’re giving directions or identifying a geographical location. You can totally reject it, that’s fine. No matter, it is a gem of an area, not to be missed.
Many still reference any part of 19125 as Kensington. For example, the opening of Circle + Squares (2513 Tulip St. in NOYO) and Primary Plant Based (161 W Girard in Olde Kensington) were mentioned as “opening in Kensington” in Philadelphia Inquirer articles. Yes, if you get historically technical, all of these neighborhoods fall under the umbrella of Kensington, but it doesn’t really help you get around the area. The two places are a 30-minute walk from each other.
Images Via @circles+squares on Instagram
Back to Flat Iron… It gets its name from the wedge shape of the location. I used to refer to it as The Pie. With Stocks Bakery included in this location, that name is appropriate, but not as appropriate as The Cake, however, Stock’s is most famous for loaves of pound cake. I guess the wedge shape doesn’t really apply.
Speaking of Pie, nearby neighbors, Little Susie’s Coffee & Pie, offers up the most delish savory, and sweet hand-held pies, scrumptious bagels with homemade spreads, and of course coffee that will get you going. Set the alarm for the weekend mornings as they sell out quickly.
Mural by Evan Lovett
This section has some of the most unique facades in all of 19125. With some of the greatest yards and quite a few neat garages, the homes here tend to be about 20% more affordable than the other side of Aramingo. It also has incredible amenities including famous and delicious food options, 24-hour options, parks, recreation, and super convenient transportation options all within walking distance. It’s quiet, there are lots of trees, and typically no through traffic. Because most traffic is local, the neighbors like to hang together outside on the sidewalks, dogs off-leash, and they aren’t shy. I always have a good time striking up a conversation with whoever I pass and their big shaggy dogs. Honestly, I’ve met some of my favorite clients this way.
Geographically, at the center of the neighborhood, you’ll find Maritime Academy Charter High School (MACHS), their mission;
“To provide students a rigorous academic program with the special theme of maritime studies. MACHS students work with the latest technology to learn maritime content such as nautical science and maritime business while achieving high standards in English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and the Arts.”
They have a great website highlighting their offerings like a jaw-dropping speakers series featuring captains, pilots, and Cynthia Byrd Conner, author of "Quite Strong" and daughter of Master Chief Sherman Byrd, the first African American Explosive Ordnance Disposal Diver. So cool.
The aforementioned Stock’s Bakery will satisfy any age-sweet tooth and has an amazing story stemming from two generations of single-family ownership. The photos on the wall of the original owners are so romantic. Imagine if you and your spouse talked about your shared business/jobs all the time. Yeah, well if your job was pound cake and other sweet delicacies, I’ll bet you’d have a blissfully long marriage.
For the adults, meet the neighbors at Green Rock Tavern . A boozy down-home neighborhood bar. Green Rock is the most famous for its custom-built burgers of the day, one such burger has a pierogi on it. They are also known for a delicacy called Gritty Fries.
Our recommendation is to take a stroll over Aramingo and stroll the iron shape. We’re happy to meet you on your schedule and give you a tour of the available homes in the area. Welcome, one and all.