Jen & Ian: Creating their Own

I love that Philly is such a small town. I was introduced to Jen and Ian through past clients, Eva and Franz, who I met through friends, Natalie and Geo. Since I loved Jen and Ian’s circle of friends already, I knew I would love them immediately.

The Search

Our search was fairly brief. Jen and Ian knew exactly what they wanted. They wanted to make roots in Passyunk Square. They wanted the vibe of a new and exciting neighborhood coupled with an area rich in tradition and history. They wanted to be able walk to their favorite restaurants and bars and they wanted a home they could make their own. We found their home on Iseminger Street, a beautiful tree-lined block, just steps from the Avenue.

The Home

The house was dated but had good bones and was loved through the years. We made an offer immediately and as soon as settlement was complete, they got started on the renovation. Once the drop ceilings, carpet and religious paraphernalia were removed (with the exception of a Jesus bust in the bathroom, left in tribute to the previous owner), Jen and Ian let their creative juices flow. They painstakingly exposed a brick party wall, painted and installed beautiful hardwood flooring. They will tell you it is still a work in progress but in just under a year, they have made it into a perfect home for themselves, their cat and their pitbull, Greta.

The Proposal

In April, Ian made Jen a proposal she couldn’t resist. I’d like to think buying their home was the catalyst to starting to a great life adventure together. Jen and Ian have already introduced me to several of their home-buying friends so the circle continues. I couldn’t be more grateful for their support and friendship. I wish the very best for their exciting future together!