Nearby Neighborhoods: Whitman, Packer Park, South Philadelphia, Girard Estates
Known For: Being within walking distance to the stadiums and green spaces Marconi Plaza and Mifflin Square
Lower Moyamensing, or “Lo-Mo” is nestled within the larger neighborhood of South Philly. It is primarily residential, with small local businesses such as salons, corner stores and the casual neighborhood restaurants. Two story brick homes, many with signature Philadelphia awnings, line the streets. Waving hi to passing pedestrians and stoop sitters will be sure to get you a friendly “hello”.
Although there isn’t technically a park in this neighborhood, Marconi Plaza is just beyond the boundaries on the other side of Oregon Avenue. With plenty of room to stretch the legs, walk the dogs (on leash please) and let the kids enjoy the playgrounds.
Lower Moyamensing Civic Association brings neighbors together with local events from street cleaning to community gardening. Quick access to I-76 and Septa stations at both Oregon and Snyder make for easy access to other parts of the city and commuting.